Aktualisiert am 5. July 2018 von Tobias

We like to be outdoors together. Even more so since we became a small family of our own. With now three children, who simply function much better outdoors in nature than at home. Outdoor you can live out your desire to move, beyond cars and houses, there are far fewer dangers than in the city, prohibitions can be rare. And we are all much more relaxed! Reason enough to go out there into nature at any opportunity together, hiking, trekking, climbing, skiing, swimming, everything fun out there! To be successful and happy as a family outdoors there are some prerequisites. This concerns planning, clever execution and especially the equipment of the small family. We introduce here in loose sequence our experiences with three toddlers in the outdoor world. Especially what has proven useful for us and what not.

Have fun out there together as a family!


Categories: Common


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